Mackay artists ‘Celebrate men’s positive contributions to society’
Entries Open 16th April, 2024
International Men’s Day is an opportunity for people everywhere of goodwill to appreciate and celebrate the men in their lives and the contribution they make to society for the greater good of all.
The Mackay Man of the Year is chosen by a select group of leaders in the Mackay community.
Shed Happens Mackay provides a safe, non-threatening environment for men to tell their stories, the good, the bad, the happy, and the sad.
IMDMI stands for International Men’s Day Mackay Incorporated and is the umbrella organisation that provides funding for Shed Happens to operate and carry out it’s function. It also organises the celebration of International Men’s Day (IMD) events.
Why do we need to celebrate IMD? When we look at the statistics that indicate areas where we men fail miserably, that is reason enough to celebrate the good things that we do and encourage us to stive to be better.
We take our own lives at almost 4 times the rate of women, wee account for over 90% of the prison population and we men are predominantly the natural parent that is missing from the family home.
There are six pillars of IMD, they are:
not just movie stars and sports men but every day, working class men who are living decent, honest lives.
community, family, marriage, child care, and to the environment.
social, emotional, physical and spiritual.
in areas of social services, social attitudes and expectations, and law
without any form of bias
where people can be safe and grow to reach their full potential.
This year we have selected the second pillar to be our theme and we are going to have that theme central to all our celebrations. Firstly, with the assistance of the Mackay Art Society, we are conducting an Art Show. After a very successful IMD 23 Art Show, this year we are changing the location to the Jubilee Community Centre. Entries to the show will be open from 16 Apr 24 and close on 10 Sept 24.
Artists who reside in the Mackay Regional Council area are eligible to enter up to two artworks, which will be displayed at the Jubilee Community Centre in September 20 – 27. There is an Entry fee for each work of $10.00. Entries will be available through the Shed Happens Mackay Facebook Page and hard copies through MRC libraries and art suppliers. Artists are welcome to sell their works at this show.
As part of our IMD celebrations we will also be awarding the Mackay Man Of The Year. This will be the fifth year of this award and nominations for it will open on 01 Sept 24 and close on 30 Sept 24.
Our final celebration will be on Tues 19 Nov 24 at Souths Leagues Club where we will hold our corporate breakfast. Here we will auction off the winning piece of art from the Art Show, present the award of Mackay Man Of The Year and have group discussions around “men’s positive contributions to our society”